


First, download and install the program.You can post photos or videos to Instagram from your PC and choose to upload your content immediately or schedule the content.
The third option in publishing your PC content is scheduling despite being similar to the above options, upload photos or videos in bulk, and schedule to post them automatically. So if you do not want to just upload photos and videos to Instagram via pc, you can pay for this app. These two most popular social media apps are the most preferred apps from professionals and famous companies. But when you sign up for the tool, you can use it on Instagram and Facebook. Iconnosquare is a premium tool, and its price is 9 dollars for a month. Professionals and brands choose this app because of its great features. This app is the most preferred social media management tool in the market. The only problem here is free membership allows so less, but if you get a plus membership for 9 dollars for a month, you can create an amazing post on social media apps.

Later, it also works on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, so you should try this app if you are a professional. Later allows uploading more than 20 images, which is also an awesome feature for users. Professionals and standard users can use this app to upload photos and videos from computers, and also they can use this app for scheduling their Instagram posts.Īpp has a calendar and clock for who needs to schedule its posts. Later is the most popular third-party app for Instagram in the market. NOTE: Instagram haunts down scheduling applications, meaning that if Instagram finds out that you schedule your content, it may take some action against your account. Otherwise, your content will not be published. Note that your computer must be running at a scheduled time. With Gramblr, you can schedule your photo.

This application is only for Mac users, and it is also freemium. Like the above programs, you need to download and install the program to run the Instagram client.
